We exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ for a gospel-centered life that impacts our homes and communities.


"We exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ..."

Christ's mandate to his followers is clear - MAKE DISCIPLES.  A disciple is simply a mature follower.  Oftentimes, the Christian growth process is stunted after belief in Christ.  At Grace, we want to see that process continue.

A mature follower of Christ:

  • Can study their Bible personally and is able to apply its principles to their lives.
  • Develops relationships of encouragement and accountability with other Believers.
  • Uses their gifts and abilities to serve others.
  • Is actively involved in leading others to Christ and leading others in a growing relationship with Christ.
  • Pursues an intimate and dependent relationship with God.

Christ's command before he ascended to Heaven was to be His witnesses "in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and even the remotest part of the earth" (Acts 1:8). As a church, we are called to advance the Gospel to the world.  In order for this principle to be evident in our lives as Christ-followers, our lives must be centered around the Gospel.  We must live in a way that the glory of God is displayed, our reliance upon Him and His saving grace is apparent, and in turn, grace is given to all.

"...a gospel-centered life"

"...our homes..."

We want our members to begin their impact for Christ in their homes.  We desire for the homes of our members to be marked by husbands who love their wives as Christ loves the Church, wives who submit to their husbands as unto Christ, and parents committed to raising their children as image bearers of Christ.

At GBFC, we believe that the call of the local church and Christians is not to withdraw from the world, but rather penetrate it and impact it for Jesus Christ.  We don't want GBFC to simply be a fortress in Las Vegas where people come and hide behind our walls.  We would like to see our members influencing neighborhoods, workplaces, and wherever else they find themselves.

"...and communities..."