At GBFC, we place a high value on the Scriptures - meaning that we seek to conform our lives to biblical truth both individually and corporately.  In light of this, our vision at Grace Bible Fellowship Church is that we want to be a people who are making Jesus known in every area of our lives by being defined and directed by Scripture.

We believe that through His Word, God has reveled to us our true identity.  Once dead because of our disobedience and sin, we by our very nature, used to be subjects of God's wrath.  But in His rich mercy and love for us, God gave us life when He raised Christ from the dead (Ephesians 1:1 - 5).  Now, through faith in Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, we live as forgiven and free children of God (Romans 8:15 - 17).  Though not yet completely free from sinning, we live now as ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20) and those who bear the very image of God (Genesis 1:27).  Altogether, we want to continually affirm that we are who God says we are - the broken and redeemed parts of us alike - and want to always be a people who return to the Scripture to remind ourselves of the identity that we have through our relationship with God through Christ.

Defined by Scripture

Directed by Scripture

Just as Scripture tells us of our identity, we also believe that it gives us clear direction regarding how that identity should shape the way we live.  God's Word is clear - we are not to just simply listen to God's Word, but to do what it says (James 1:22).  It is through the Scripture that God reveals to us what He wants us to do, how He wants to shape our lives, and how He wants us to respond to His Word.  It is our conviction that ultimately hearing God's Word is meant to go hand-in-hand with response, leading to a changed life.  Because of this, we want to be a people who continually come back to the teaching and studying of Scripture, always giving room to respond to the things God has revealed to us.  At Grace, we want to continually create an environment that encourages ongoing response to the Word of God to bring about lasting, lifelong change.